3 Reminders To Motivate You To Stop Letting Your Resistance Win

"Everyone who has a body experiences resistance."- Steven Pressfield

Yesterday, like always, I attempted to write.

I had ideas. I sat for an embarrassing amount of hours scribbling away.

But I had nothing to say. Nothing came out right. The words didn't fit what was in my head. They didn't matter. It didn't make sense. It's all been said. The world is a mess. My brain is a mess. I can't do it.

I had invited the crippling force that is resistance for a visit.

We resist the things we want or need to do the most.

It's not always easy to do the things we need to do even if they're things we want. But the cost of letting resistance win is settling for an unlived life.

The consequences of letting resistance win are too great.

#1. When you feed resistance, it grows.

Every single time you choose inaction towards the thing you want to do or need to, your resistance is doing reps at the gym and it's getting stronger. This is going to make things more difficult for yourself because at some point, it'll feel like the resistance is so much stronger than you and it'll be much harder to combat.

#2. If you don't do it, somebody else will or won't.

Just know that somebody else out there is happily doing whatever you're too afraid to do, they're probably worse at it and they're still reaping all the benefits. Another possibility is maybe the important thing you know needs to be done but refuse to do, may never be done if you choose not to do it. How do those options sound?

#3. Say goodbye to the life you want.

There's a certain life you probably imagine for yourself. Maybe a certain type of person you want to be. When you let resistance win, you're actively choosing to delay living that life and being that person. If you continue to do this, you're potentially going to completely forego all that you want and could be.

If we are committed to really living, as fully, intentionally, mindfully, and authentically as possible, we owe it to ourselves and the world to move through our resistance and do what we are called to do.


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