Here Is What's Helping Me Hit 'Publish' Every Day Even When I Feel Stuck

It's too easy to not hit 'publish.'

Especially, when you're a beginner, trying to do it every day for 30 days. This shit is hard and there's so many things that can get in the way. Life can get busy, you have exhausting days, and overthinking seems to come with the territory.

You may feel stuck and want to just call it a day.

So what can you do?

Embrace Being A Beginner:

Let yourself suck.

If you're new to writing online then you need to be realistic. Not everything you publish is going to be great. But you're a beginner so nobody is expecting greatness from you. Take advantage of that. Don't worry if you can't crank out a masterpiece when you're tired, write anyway. Don't get in your head wondering if something you wrote sucks. It probably does, but if you keep going eventually you'll get better. So publish anyway.

Allow Yourself To Be Human: 

Write what you want.

If you're struggling to come up with something that will bring value to others, don't let that keep you from hitting 'publish.' Write about things that you want to talk about or are interested in, give yourself what you need if that's what will get you to write and publish for today. You have other things you can share. Even if you write about something outside of your intended niche, at least it'll help you keep going and get you through this day. Don't take yourself too seriously when you're stuck, just write.

Audience Of One: 

Focus on one person.

For today, you don't need to publish something that everyone in your intended audience is going to love. Give yourself permission to just write for one person. Anyone you want. Publish something you think they could benefit from. Maybe it's some inspirational quotes or a random story that will bring a smile to their face. Maybe there's a book that you think they should know about. Write like they're your only reader today.

Do whatever you need to do for you.

If you're trying to publish daily for 30 days then you need to do whatever will best help you to get yourself through it.

You know yourself best.

So, ultimately, that's up to you.


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