Movies Offer So Much More Than Entertainment, Here's Why We Need More Diversity And Inclusion On Screen

Movies, for many of us, are life-changing.

More people would benefit from them and get to experience what they can really offer if they were more diverse and inclusive. Otherwise, many people will continue to miss out on what movies at their best can bring us:

Healing and connection.

"Cinema is a mirror by which we often see ourselves."-Alejandro González Iñárritu

When we see ourselves on screen, catharsis is possible.

Movies can mirror our own difficult or painful experiences. Through seeing someone like us navigating similar situations, we can feel less alone or come to better understand ourselves and feelings. Through that, we can find a way to connect and express difficult, or suppressed emotions.

In this way, we can heal.

"Art is the closest we can come to understanding how a stranger really feels."-Roger Ebert 

When we see others on screen, empathy expands.

Being presented with other perspectives brings us new insights. We can learn about other experiences that we don't know about and won't ever fully know about. But getting a glimpse into what someone else's life or experiences might be like, especially their pain, can help us become more understanding and empathetic towards others.

We enhance connection.

Movies can help change people, and people can change the world. Now more than ever, healing and connection are vital. That’s why it’s important to support and push for art that will bring more opportunities for healing and connection for us all.


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