Stop Being Embarrassed About What You Love, There's Value In Your "Guilty Pleasures"

Everyone at one point or another has viewed something they enjoy as a "guilty pleasure," a thing they enjoy but maybe makes them feel shame or embarrassment usually because others look down on it.

I don't think we should ever feel guilty or embarrassed about the things we enjoy (obviously excluding things that are harmful or objectively bad).

Embracing what we love helps us live authentic and fulfilled lives.

Your happiness is important

You don't have to only like things that are popular or high-brow or whatever people expect you to like or you think you should like. If something makes you happy, that's important so why not embrace it instead of trying to hide it or feel bad? We're living in a chaotic and scary world, happiness can be scarce, lean into what's bringing it because you deserve it.

It's okay to turn off your brain and relax

Sometimes people feel guilty or ashamed over what they like or enjoy doing because it doesn't feel intellectual or productive enough. It's okay to make time for things some people might view as "trashy" or "lazy." Engaging with things that are purely fun, entertaining, or relaxing, from time to time, is healthy, too.

There's a reason it connects with you

Whatever you find yourself gravitating towards, there's a reason for it. There's something that's resonating with a part of you and that's worth exploring. Take a closer look at what's lighting you up and why, or explore what it is about that thing that makes you feel embarrassed.

You can connect with others like you

When you openly own what you love, it gives others permission to do the same and it allows your people to find you. Connecting with others feels good and is nourishing, so let yourself bond with others over your shared interests.


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