The 4 C's For Mindfully Tackling Your Analysis Paralysis So You Can Finally Make That Big Decision

If analysis paralysis was a person, it’d probably look like me.

I’ve struggled a lot to feel confident in knowing what I want or need.

If you feel similarly, then you know how this can make decisions feel impossible.

And sometimes, when you think you’ve finally made the right choice, you later find yourself in a deep panic questioning everything.

But, I’ve gotten better with moving through analysis paralysis to make important decisions with the help of the 4 C’s. You can too!


It’s easy to get frustrated, or disappointed in yourself for making such a big deal over a decision.

Don’t beat yourself up over it. Instead, forgive yourself.

Acknowledge that you have valid reasons for struggling. You care about yourself and want what’s best for you. It’s not like you want to make yourself miserable and stressed.

Take some deep breaths, meditate, or just sit quietly with yourself to focus on forgiving and comforting yourself. Give yourself the compassion you need and deserve.


You’re a lot more capable than you think.

Trusting and believing in yourself may not come naturally for you yet, but choose to have the courage to trust and believe in yourself anyway.

You have the ability to make a choice that’s right for you. Acknowledge that you have made good choices that have worked out for you before, even if they were small. That’s proof of concept.

Think of the last time you showed courage by trusting your instincts in making a decision that worked out for you. You did it before, you can do it again.


This is the hardest and scariest part.

I know it’s overwhelming, but it doesn’t have to be. You know yourself better than anyone else. You only need to listen to yourself. Don’t censor your thoughts and feelings when it comes to making decisions.

Recognize what is true for you and what you want and need in this present moment.

Listen close and decide.

There is no perfect choice, there is only a choice. You know this is the right choice for yourself because you know yourself.


After you decide, you may be tempted to keep thinking about your other options, or wondering if you made a mistake.

It’s okay if it’s hard to feel confident. But resist the urge to let what you didn’t choose fester in the back of your mind. It will be mentally and emotionally taxing for you to dwell. Instead, commit to the choice you made.

Give all your energy and focus to what you chose because you chose what was most authentic and true to you. Be proud.


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