If You Care About Your Personal Growth, Make Sure To Ask Yourself This One Question When Journaling

Want to make the most out of your journaling?

Ask yourself this question:

What did I learn about myself today (or yesterday)?

Here's why:

It will help you be more aware of how you're growing.

When you make it a point to reflect on what you're learning about yourself each day, you'll have a better idea of your personal growth.

Change and growth are usually subtle and slow, paying close attention will help you notice those subtle changes.

You might not be aware of how much you're actually growing otherwise.

Later, you'll have a clear log of all the things you've learned about yourself over time.

This increased awareness can lead you to revelations.

As you make note of things you're learning about yourself, you can dig a little deeper about those findings and discover something bigger.

You might realize you assumed something wrong about yourself. Investigate why you made that assumption in the first place.

You might notice a pattern emerging of things you're doing, feeling, etc.

That's important! You might discover a curiosity or passion you didn't realize you had.

You might not be learning anything about yourself.

If you're journaling about this daily, there might be times when you realize you haven't learned a single thing about yourself.

It’s okay if that happens here and there. But, if this becomes constant for you, like for weeks or months, that's something you should be aware of.

Going long periods of time without learning anything about yourself could be happening for a variety of reasons.

Maybe you aren't challenging yourself enough, or maybe you just aren't noticing or paying enough attention to yourself.

Awareness will help you make changes.

With more knowledge about yourself, you can decide if you want, or need to make changes.

Maybe you'll decide no changes are necessary, but that you'd like to keep your eye on certain things.

You might be learning things about yourself that you don't like. Decide how you want to take action.

If you're noticing something positive about yourself, maybe you can find a way to bring more of that into your life.


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