If You're Holding Back, This Is Why You Need To Give Yourself Permission To Be Creative

The best decision I've made was to allow myself to explore my creativity.

For so long I've tried to suppress my craving to create. I was too afraid of looking foolish and not being good. Now, I'm exploring and experimenting with my creativity and it makes me feel more connected with myself and others.

But it's not easy.

"Most of us want to offer something of quality, something that the world will consider good or important." -Ethan Hawke

And that, Hawke says, is "the enemy."

For him, creativity is less about quality and more about healing. That's the whole reason why we're here, to help one another. By sharing our creativity, he says, we're starting a dialogue with each other.

That's where healing happens.

But if you're resisting your creativity, healing can't happen.

Don't hold back.

Expressing yourself isn't easy, but it is necessary. But if you aren't able to express yourself it might be because you don't know yourself well enough yet. You need to get to know yourself.

So how do you do that?

"If you get close to what you love, who you are is revealed to you and it expands." -Ethan Hawke

Let who you are expand.

There's a good chance you already know what things you're drawn to. If you really don't know what lights you up, you probably know what doesn't. Start there.

If you already know what you love, lean into it.

You have to "play the fool."

Be okay with looking foolish.

If we're going to do our part to bring healing to each other then we have to do this. Remember, it's not about being "good." This isn't just about you.

It's about helping each other.


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