If You're A Fellow Beginner Who Wants To Fall In Love With Writing, Don't Do These 4 Things

"A word after a word after a word is power."-Margaret Atwood

Perhaps, you're reading that quote and struggling to see the power of your own words and can't quite get yourself to love writing just yet.

As you're starting out, do you catch yourself doing any of these 4 things?

Fearing Mistakes:

Writing is a skill.

To achieve mastery of any skill, you're not only going to have to practice a lot, but you'll have to make a ton of mistakes.

If you're too afraid of making mistakes, you'll keep yourself from experimenting and growing. Making mistakes is part of the learning process.

Writing will be more enjoyable once you embrace your mistakes and make it a point to learn from them.

Being Inauthentic: 

Show your humanness.

Be honest and bring who you are to your writing.

If you're not being authentic, it'll be harder for people to connect with you and your writing. It's a lot easier to trust someone when they're being authentic and you want your readers to trust you, right?

You'll also feel better about your writing knowing it's honest.

Never Preparing: 

Always show up prepared.

Preparation can be anything from simply having a list of ideas/topics written to a full outline of what you'll write about.

At the very least, put some thought of what you could write about before you sit down to write. Even if you don't end up going with any of your written ideas, it's easier to go into writing when you have some kind of starting point.

Do yourself a favor and make the start of your writing less daunting.

Being Impatient: 

Good writing takes time.

If you're holding an unrealistic expectation to write within a certain amount of time when you're just starting out, you're going to get frustrated.

Be patient with yourself. You might need more time to process what you're thinking and to play around with your ideas and that's okay.

There's nothing wrong with taking it slow when you're writing.

Help yourself fall in love with writing.

Maybe you're making these mistakes, or maybe you're doing something else to keep yourself from loving writing.

Whatever it is, know you can stop whenever you're ready.


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