The Mistake Novice Online Writers Make With Consuming Content & What To Do About It

You're new to online writing, so naturally you want to make sure you have enough inspiration and ideas at your disposal.

The mistake you're making is constantly consuming to ensure you'll have something to write about.

How is this hurting you?

• You're spending more time consuming than creating

• The constant need for more leaves no room to be present

• You're wasting time on just organizing and filtering it

• You're spending less time on things that fulfill you

• You're leaving potential inspiration behind

Podcasts, movies, books, etc. are all wonderful things. However, you have to remember that those aren't the only things that give you fuel to write about.

We get many ideas from simply living and being present in our lives.

If you're spending hours each day endlessly consuming, with your nose in a book (or multiple) you're missing out on what's going on around you.

Remember, when you're putting time into something, it's taking time away from something else. That something else is your life.

The problem is we have an abundance of information forcing its way into our lives at all times.

What can you do?

Create your own content shortage.

• Limit your consumption altogether, you have consumed PLENTY

• Consider going a week without consuming movies, Youtube, podcasts, etc.

• Pick just one thing to go deep with, make time for more reflection on it

Commit to consuming something different.

• Connection. Conversations, especially with new people bring new ideas

• Novelty. Go somewhere unfamiliar and observe

• Silence. Make space to be with and explore your thoughts more deeply

You don't need to completely stop consuming the things you love forever, but occasionally cutting back, making space for reflection, and creation can help you live a more fulfilling life.


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