Eyeing That Next New Book On Your TBR? Here's Why You Should Consider Rereading An Old Favorite Instead

New isn't always better.

Trust me, I love cracking open a new book I've never read and exploring it for the first time. It's addictive. All the new information and ideas. The fictional characters and places I've yet to experience.

But revisiting books is just as meaningful.

Let’s talk about why:

Deeper Understanding

As time goes by, you gain more life experience and rereading a book with new experiences under your belt, can help you make better sense of stories you’ve already encountered.

Sometimes you don't get all the nuances the first time around. But when you take the time to revisit a book years later, things might click with you better than they did the first time. You might understand messages or ideas you wouldn't have otherwise been able to.

Attention To Detail

When you're already familiar with a story, you can pay more attention to the details. Often, you can miss out on small details, especially with more complex fiction books, and rereading carefully can help you see what you previously missed.

This can include examining different characters more closely, the author's use of dialogue, descriptions, and overall use of language. You'll notice new things and it can make you more appreciative of a book you already love, or didn’t previously enjoy.

New Insights

With each passing year, you grow and change, even if it's subtle. So do your ideas and the way you look at the world. When you reread a book, especially after a few years, you might be reading it as a completely different person.

With a new perspective, you may approach the book differently and come to it with different questions. This can lead to new insights. The book may have a new meaning to you.

“You can reread not from love or hatred but from a sense, often inchoate, that there's more to this book than you have been yet able to receive.”-Alan Jacobs

While you'll never be able to read all the books you want in this lifetime, that's certainly no reason to only read new books. Once in a while, make time to reread a book you love. There's much to gain from revisiting an old friend.


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