Are You Creating As A Full Person?

If you're spending a lot of time creating, make sure you're checking all the boxes that make you a full person.

What do I mean by this?

You have to live a life that's more than what you're producing and that means holding yourself accountable to the important areas of your life.

Honor your people: 

Chances are you have wonderful people in your life that care about you and you care about them, too. Are you making space to connect with them? Or is what you're creating and working on coming first all the time?

Honor your people, you owe it to yourself and them.

Fill The Tank: 

If you're finding yourself spending too many nights up late, or even one too many mornings up way too early, forcing yourself to be productive, you're going to deplete yourself.

You're probably not getting the amount of sleep you actually need. Rest will nourish you and when you're nourished, your work will flourish.

You will NOT get the best out of yourself if you're running on an empty tank.

Check In: 

Have you checked in with yourself lately with how you're feeling? You may be too focused on successfully accomplishing your goals that you're operating on autopilot. Be mindful.

Take a pause and pay attention to what's going on inside you. How is the work you're creating and the way you're creating it making you feel?

Don't let yourself off the hook.

It's easy to get wrapped up in your work, try to be mindful of what you're not checking off that makes you feel like a full person.


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