3 Life Lessons From Pixar's “Soul” To Help You Live Mindfully

In Soul, Joe Gardner is an unfulfilled music teacher and Jazz pianist who dreams of success.

He spends his time chasing gigs that lead nowhere.

And when he finally thinks he's got a chance at the gig of his life, he falls down a manhole, and ends up in the "Great Beyond."

There, he meets 22, an unborn soul who he helps to find her "spark," or what they believe is her purpose in life.

Eventually, he makes his way back to his life. He fulfills his dream. But, he’s still unhappy.

What can you learn from Soul?

You already have what you need to be happy right now.

In the beginning, Joe is unhappy because his dream of being a successful jazz musician hasn't come true.

He’s convinced that fulfilling this dream will bring his life meaning and happiness.

After he accomplishes this, he’s left wondering “what happens next?” And he’s still unfulfilled.

Just because you get what you’ve always wanted doesn’t mean you’ll be happy. It doesn’t work like that.

Remember, you can always choose to be happy right now.

Don’t be consumed with your passions.

Your passion isn't everything. Don't only focus on it.

As it’s said in the movie, "…when that joy becomes an obsession, one becomes disconnected from life."

That’s exactly what happens to 22. She obsesses over finding her spark, then becomes a “lost soul.”

Yes, dive into your interests and passions. They’re important. Do what fulfills you.

But, don’t do this at the expense of actually living and enjoying your life.

You don't need to search for purpose. 

Joe believes that Jazz is his sole reason for living.

And because he hasn’t been successful at it, he thinks his life is meaningless.

But, he’s wrong.

Living is his purpose. His life has meaning. He just can’t see that.

You don't need to do or be anything to matter, your life already matters.

The next time you find yourself getting caught up in life like Joe, throw on Soul for a shift in perspective.

You’ll be grateful you did.


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