Feeling Lost? Discouraged? Worried About Your Future? Try This Exercise

You're struggling with something and maybe you have been for a while now.

A decision you're not sure about, the uncertainty and fear of the future, feeling stuck and discouraged or maybe you're second guessing your entire life.

We all panic about the future and convince ourselves we're running out of time and that we'll never reach our fullest potential or maybe we already did and that's as good as it gets.

We waste so much time worrying about a future that we know nothing about.

But you know who would know about it? Our future self.

What would your 90 year old self say to you?

Imagine you got to hear from your 90 year old self and they told present you all about the life they've lived. They let you know how they're doing, where they've been, the things they've done and how things turned out.

What would they say?

Write a letter from your 90 year old self.

Seriously. I know it sounds weird, but if you're still reading this then there is clearly something you're looking for and needing that this exercise might help you work through or figure out.

If anything, let it be an opportunity to expand your openness and creativity.

Think, what's the best case scenario that can come from trying something different?

You've accepted the challenge, here's how to do it:

#1. Take your time with this. It's the future you talking to you, savor it, lean into it. Make sure you're in a place where you won't be distracted and can focus, preferably alone.

#2. Close your eyes. Imagine what 90 year old you looks like. Picture them sitting across from you, smiling. Wonder about them, think about all the things they're smiling about.

Let them tell you all about how happy they are. That they're doing okay, they're safe and loved, things turned out the way they were meant to, they went and did all the things they wanted to. Let them tell you about the long beautiful life they lived.

#3. When you feel ready, open your eyes and write your letter. I recommend on paper so you're not tempted by the distractions of the internet and so you're forced to take your time and not delete things. Get as expansive as possible.

What are all the things you think they want you to know about your life?

Some questions they might answer: What kind of person are they? Why are they so happy? How did they live? What things did they accomplish? Did they let fear hold them back or did they go after everything they wanted? How did they treat people throughout their life? How do they treat themself?

When you're finished, read it. Read it again. Let it reassure you that you're going to be okay and things will work out for you. Because it's true.


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