Beginner In Your Creative Journey? Here's 3 Things To Keep In Mind

Leaping into doing anything as a beginner is hard. Don't make it harder.

I've recently been dipping my toes into different creative interests and there’s a few things I have to keep reminding myself as a beginner.

Don't Expect Everyone To Cheer You On.

Accept that not everyone will be supportive or even care.

You don't need them to. Maybe your friends or family will shower you with words of encouragement, maybe they won't. Even if they do, you can't depend on that to keep you going.

Instead, find a community of creatives, or even just one person that makes you feel encouraged.

But mostly, learn to cheer yourself on every step of the way.

Appearances Are Deceiving.

People will be better and more successful than you.

On top of this, it will seem like everything comes easy for them. And when you inevitably start to compare yourself to them, remember: they didn't magically become skilled or successful at what they do, even if it appears that way.

When you assume they did, you discount both the importance and amount of time and effort it took them to get there.

You can put in the time and effort too.

Embrace A Playful Approach.

It's not that deep.

Honestly, whatever you're doing may be important to you, but it's not the most important thing in the world.

When you're learning how to do something, you will suck and get frustrated. That's normal and expected. But you'll be a lot less miserable if you can laugh at yourself and have fun.

When you choose to let go and allow yourself to be playful, you'll feel better and create better.

It can be challenging to be a beginner, but deciding to explore my creative interests and curiosities is one of the best decisions I've made.

Remembering these things makes the journey easier.


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