4 Ways To Help You Cope With Feeling Like You Don't Belong

I’ve never felt like I belonged.

All my life, I’ve felt a deep sense of being out of place.

This was especially true when I was younger. This made me feel weird about myself because it seemed like nobody else was struggling with this feeling, and I knew belonging wasn’t something I could just force myself into.

As an adult, it’s still something I struggle with.

Despite this, there are a few ways I’ve helped myself cope through it, that may be helpful to you, if you’re struggling with similar feelings.

Being of service to others.

This has been crucial for me in learning how to navigate my sense of belonging. Volunteering as a Crisis Counselor brings me a deeper sense of feeling connected to people.

Give your time to helping others.

Because even though your life experiences are unique to you, pain isn’t.

Spending time outside.

This is so simple and repeated by everyone, but being present outside is vital. While I often struggle to feel like I belong with others, the more time I spend outside, the more connected to nature I feel.

The company of nature is incredibly comforting and healing.

Learning to express yourself.

One of the hardest things about feeling like I don’t belong has been the struggle to articulate my thoughts and feelings. Books, movies, and music have always been able to communicate what I could not.

Creativity is a powerful tool for navigating how to express yourself.

Embracing sensitivity and vulnerability.

This has been the hardest thing for me. In my heart of hearts I know I’m a “wear my heart on my sleeve” kind of person, but I’ve struggled to embrace it. Shifting from being so cerebral to embracing my sensitivity, and leaning into vulnerability has been a worthwhile journey.

Make what feels like your weakness your superpower.

I should say, none of this makes that feeling go away for me.

I think it’s something I’ll have to continue to work through. But, these things do make me feel empowered and better connected to myself and others, which helps me cope. Maybe they’ll help you too.


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