Using 30 Day Experiments To Build Trust And Connect Back With Yourself

Do you trust yourself?

Are you someone who can fully trust their intuition and confidently act on it?

I struggle with this.

For me, showing up to write and publish daily isn't just about the writing.

It's about trust.

I've made plenty of promises to myself and broken them.

I show up for others, but not always for myself.

That doesn't make me feel great.

So I'm learning to build trust and honor myself.

Every day I show up for myself, it gets stronger.

If you find it challenging to trust yourself, think about this:

Have you been aligning your words with your actions?

If you haven't been, it's time to start honoring your promises to yourself.

Don't worry about what anyone else is doing.

Focus on yourself and think about what you're committed to and give yourself what you need.

You can flip the script.

Challenge those outdated stories you have about yourself.

The more I follow through with my promise, the more I see what I'm capable of and feel more confident about trusting myself.

I also make sure to check in to see how I'm doing and what I'm feeling throughout this process.

You have to listen to yourself.

I'm noting what feels good and what doesn't.

I'm holding myself accountable and publishing each day but still giving myself flexibility with how I go about it to make sure it fits my needs.

By following through, I can feel that I'm connecting back with myself and slowly building that sense of trust that was lacking.

And if you're willing, you can do the same.


Finding Meaning In The Repetition


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